
Maison & Objet; the essential interior decoration trade show

If there’s a trade show not to be missed during the late summer in the capital it’s the Salon Maison & Objet! Dedicated to the world of design and decoration, this wide-ranging trade show will welcome visitors for the second time this year at the Villepinte Exhibition Centre in Paris from September 8th to 12th, 2017 and will once again unveil the latest trends and innovations in interior decoration and related lifestyles. A must in this sector, Maison & Objet welcomes thousands of enthusiasts and industry professionals twice every year. An event to discover during your stay at the Hotel Convention Montparnasse.


A pool of new talent and emerging trends

Maison & Objet is the major trade show event for professionals and a multicultural crossroads of contemporary living, featuring decoration, the world of children, design, furniture, accessories, textiles, fragrances and more. Defined by its quality and diversity, Maison & Objet is essential for all professionals in the field, presenting them with the opportunity to meet twice a year. The trade show and its 130,000 m2 of exhibitor stands welcomes hundreds of designers and more than 3,000 brands. The latest developments, innovations and trends are all here, providing a wealth of ideas and creative solutions to inspire you.


Living well at home

While the January 2017 edition of Maison & Objet set the tone with the theme of Silence and placed the emphasis on calm and rest, in September you will be invited to the Comfort Zone, a 100% feel good theme. This will highlight the concept of a healthy interior as a bubble that protects you from the outside and its vicissitudes. Our habitats are meant to inspire comfort and the desire to feel at home!

Cork, the natural material par excellence, is everywhere this year, reigning supreme over furniture and accessories. It shares the spotlight with the currently trending materials brass, velvet and marble in embellishing our interiors with a note of luxury designed to delight. Wood, always present, this year presents its more textured side, while felt signals its long-awaited return!

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Chères clientes, chers clients,

Nous sommes heureux de vous accueillir à l’hôtel Convention Montparnasse. Notre Hôtel respecte les mesures sanitaires des métiers de l’hôtellerie.

La santé et le bien-être de nos clients et de nos équipes sont nos priorités. Soyez assurés que nous avons repensé l’ensemble de nos services et espaces d’après les mesures sanitaires des métiers de l’hôtellerie.

Une procédure stricte est mise en œuvre pour vous accueillir dans les meilleures conditions : respect des gestes barrières et des normes d’hygiène avec un protocole spécifique de nettoyage des chambres et des parties communes, port de masques pour le personnel, mise à disposition de gel hydroalcoolique…

Nos équipes sont entièrement disponible pour répondre à vos interrogations et demandes.

Réservez d’ores et déjà votre séjour au meilleur tarif sur notre site !

Nous avons hâte de vous accueillir de nouveau.

Prenez soin de vous et de vos proches,

L’équipe de l’hôtel Convention Montparnasse

Informations !!!!!

Dear Guest,

We are happy to welcome. Our hotel respects the health measures of the hotel trades.

The health and well-being of our customers and our teams are our priorities. Rest arrured that we have redesigned all of our services ans space based on the health measures of the hospitality industry. We present to you the list of our comnitments, which guarantee the use of our spaces with serenity.

A strict procedure is implemented to welcome you in the best conditions : compliance with barrier gestures and hygiene standards with a specific protocol for cleaning rooms and common areas, masks for staff, provision of gel hydroalcoholic, breakfasts and dinners in room service or doggy bag only ...

Our teams are fully available to answer your questions and requests.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones,

Team Hôtel Convention Montparnasse